For this week, I had two missions:
- eat my veggies
- use my slow cooker

Consider Mission One accomplished! And since I don't yet have a bowl to put my produce in, I'm temporarily putting it in my slow cooker. I purchased oranges, lemons, tomatoes, beets and ginger for juicing, bananas for smoothie making and garlic for the slow cooker meal my boyfriend requested I make. In the fridge is a fresh-cut stir-fry mix and extra large bag of carrots.
As for Mission Two, well that's a surprise! I will blog later in the week about it but for now I can tell you it is a family recipe and requires lots (two entire bulbs) of garlic.
My friend Allen who recently moved to Canada sent me some pictures of the foods of his new/old land: Smarties, coffee crisp and ketchup chips

These pictures are very nice and all but when do I get to try these foods?? Hopefully Allen will come visit soon with samples I can try and review for you.
coffee crisps <3 they are so good. and i had smarties for the first time a few weeks ago, its basically like m&m's and speaking of ketchup, they're ketchup is sooo good. it's the same heinz brand but for some reason they have a different recipe.