I finally put my ripe avocado to good use and made the muffin recipe I mentioned in this post! Why did you think they were green? You can use half avocado, half butter or just go with avocado (the healthier choice). I also used almond milk instead of milk. The taste of the muffins was alright, not my favorite or least favorite by far but the texture was superb. I definitely need to tweak the recipe more. I tend to like my muffins a bit sweeter and I'm not sure I love the texture of the almond slices in them. I do, however, love the concept of baking with avocado instead of butter and am dying to try baking beans into cookies next. As much as I love making (and the boyfriend loves eating) baked goodies the way they're traditionally made with tons of butter and sugar, my niche just may be healthy baking. I really do love finding new and delicious ways to make desserts better for you! All in all, I highly suggest trying avocado in your baking but don't try this particular recipe until I fudge around with it a bit more. Instead, just sub out half or all of the butter from a recipe you already love.
These muffins were not a hit at my apartment with anyone other than me (I think they scared the boyfriend) but I brought them on set with me and they were gone within a day!

Scared the boyrfriend? That is good for a laugh...I bet that they really did scare him...green food:):)